Saturday, August 30, 2008

Introducing....Riley John

Photo of the "man of the hour"
Weight 3.10 kg (thats about 6lb 12 oz)
Length 55cm (21.6 inches)

A good looking chappie, great lineage. Spent a little time in special
care nursery due to arriving earlier than expected, but looking better by the hour so Mum and Dad hoping to get their hands-on very soon.

ETA photo updated to day 4, discharged from nursery and Nan's first hold.


Doreen G said...

Congratulations Nanna Christine--how wonderful.
I hope all are well and that you are prepared for lots of babysitting jobs.

Julie said...

Just popped here from TIF. Congratulations on becoming a Nanna! How wonderful!

Paula Hewitt said...

Do I detect a new 'life of riley' blog in the offing. he looks very cute

Pat said...

Christine, What a beautiful new baby!!!! Hope all goes well. Thanks for visiting my blog today...I really need to tell you that my studio doesn't look "this neat" ALL the time. Most of the time, maybe, but not all the time. I can make a mess, just need to straight up often. And, about those lists, well, I make them too, but often don't get a thing crossed off!! We all have our quirks and I'm no different. Glad for your visit today! Pat

Magpie's Mumblings said...

Awwwww...what a sweet wee baby! I'm sitting here all teary-eyed because I'm a complete sucker for babies. Congratulations on being a grandma!!! Go ahead and spoil him, because that's what grandmas are for.

Erica said...

congratulations Nanna, he looks a sweetie

Cyber Fyber said...

Today I'm creating labels for the ATCs in the upcoming CYBER FYBER exhibition but I can't resist sneaking a peek into some of the blogs while I work. I'm so glad I looked in on your wonderful blog. Many, many heart-felt congratulations on your new status! Thanks for sharing and especially for trading with me!
CYBER FYBER and also

Christine said...

Thanks for all the lovely messages. Riley went home today (Wednesday) with a very proud Dad and Mum. I got to visit quickly yesterday and hold him for the first time. So little, and so like his Dad at that age!!