Saturday, July 31, 2010

Dotee dolls for swaps

Here is Bluebelle, a blue themed Dotee doll made for an online swap. I'm pretty sure lots of textile people know about Dotee dolls, but just in case you've forgotten have a look here. I found some little metal charm hands and shoes at the recent Craft and Quilt Fair at Darling Harbour in Sydney, and thought they'd add a little something to my Dotees.

I've used tubular metallic braid and beads for her hair, a piece of hand dyed lace and a butterfly for her hair brooch, and I'm trying a new face with embroidered features and a little heart button "pout" on her lips. I hope my swap partner Phyl likes her and I can't wait to see what she comes up with.

I also made a little purple trimmed one, but I now have an idea for an even better one, so this little unnamed lady might just go to live with someone else one day.

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