Today is Olive Riley's 108th Birthday. Ollie is probably the world's oldest blogger, thanks to her friend Mike who types it for her as she tells it. Ollie lives in Woy Woy, New South Wales in an aged facility, you can read her blog here
http://www.allaboutolive.com.au/ I'd like to wish Olive MANY HAPPY RETURNS and a big hug from me and my family. I hope I can be as bright and witty as Ollie well into my own senior years. The generation who lived through the world wars and the Great Depression certainly have an inner strength that I don't think we will ever truly understand. Olive was on the news this week, and had a lovely party with local children singing to her and helping her with her gifts. I found this elegant late Victorian lady with a large hat and thought it rather appropriate for Olive. I hope she likes it.
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