Monday, May 07, 2007

An apology

Following my lovely relaxing trip to Northern Queensland I received the news that my elderly biological father had passed away after a short serious illness. My mother and father divorced when I was just 17 so we had not been close for many, many years. It was only in the last 10 years or so that he had re-established any contact with me on a semi-regular basis. The emotions are very mixed up at present, and I feel the need to "stocktake" if that makes any sense at all. The death of one parent has caused me to examine the parent-child dynamic with my own kids and with my remaining parent. As a result of holidays and now this past week I have not done any stitching on my TAST group, but hope to get back to it soon. I apologise to group members who may have popped in to check my progress recently. I have been checking Sharon B.'s blog every day but "life events" have taken over from actual stitching just lately.

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