Sunday, September 23, 2007

Secret Santa stocking

My Embroiderers' Guild group made a Secret Santa bag last year, so we decided to continue the tradition and celebrate Christmas and our friendship within the group. I found this sweet little stocking designed by Michelle Ridgway in the latest issue of Handmade magazine V. 24 no. 12. I changed it a little as ours is to be used differently than the decoration she designed. It's only little, about 9 inches long, the perfect size for a small gift. We'll all put our own names on them, and then draw one secretly from a container. The idea then is to think of something suitable for that person, usually worth no more than $10. Of course people can make something (preferred) or buy a treat or small gift. It's fun seeing how well we really know each other, but I'm easy! Chocolates, chocolates and more chocolates. Or a little piece of yummy fabric, or some scrumptious threads.

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